Listification is HYBRID intelligence
Our commitment to hybrid human-machine intelligences begins with how we curate/annoate simple HuJSON or JSON With Commas and Comments or JWCC lists.
HuJSON allows
/* slash-star block comments */
// double-slash line comments,
It’s important to emphasize that before simply automating without any understanding … it is necessary to have really informed understanding of the state of the art in JSON formats or what’s next for JSON.
JSON is necessary for getting to a #nocode world. The point is to stop pretending that JSON is too simple for smart developers and instead build less complicated, more maintainable things for human clarity, rather than developer terseness since the machines that read HuJSON or JSON With Commas and Comments or JWCC files will not care.
The annotation and curation of outlines and checklist involves using and developing the various forms of human intelligence, eg mental, emotional, social, business, physicultural … along with, eventually, various forms of machine intelligence to handle the more tedious portions of list maintenance, search and connection building.
Annotated lists are the foundation or precursor of graph theoretic conceptual framework to drive the knowledge connections between various artistic, entrepreneurial, and creative scientific disciplines and subdisciplines.
Annotated lists help form the basis of algorithms behind semiotic and semantic graphs … it’s really a matter of growing or extending noospheres with organic, “almost mycorrhizal” living conceptual pathways.
It begins with a very simple lists … which becomes checkist or perhaps a priorizable outline driving an open issue deck … along the way, we add annoations and make new connections … continuously editing and revising … to eventually think in visual graphs and then do that with intelligence infrastructure in code, such as ConnectedPapers … with hopefully standard data API format such as maybe a simplistic CSV, slightly more valuable JSON or a graphQL data API … so that others can re-use the connections.
The manual EXERCISE of continually curating annotated reading lists is really about the routine discipline of little tasks, eg daily reading, that advance the personal discipline as well as mental/social fitness … without the regular exercise of different knowledge development muscles atrophy occurs, especially in areas of knowledge where communities evolve and grow or die, the language and terminology changes, where different minds become more or less engaged.
Listing of Listified Lists
Workout Lists
Our process of revising and edit Workout Lists is that we really must do these workouts.
5S Housekeeping
Art Lists
Museums and Galleries
Reading Lists
Pre-Print Archives
Threads / Comment Poetry
Venture Lists
We also think in terms of other lists for Ventures
Quantum Cloud Kernel Reading List
Computational Biology Reading List
Asynchronous Workflow Reading List
Computational Linguistics Reading List